GENiE/IESE 2016 – Barcelona

GENiE brings together influential global leaders from both academia and health care each year in a two-day conference, covering how we can collectively promote innovation in health care starting with our educational methods and curriculums. 

After three major conferences of stakeholders at Harvard Business School (2012), Duke University (2013) and UAB, Birmingham, Alabama (2014), the first European edition will be hosted in October 2016 by IESE Business School in Barcelona in collaboration with in collaboration with EIT Health, the Alliance for promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in health care across Europe.


GENiE -1st European Edition with EIT Health & IESE Business School

European Perspectives on Education

for Meeting the Needs of the Innovation Implementer

October 24 – 26, 2016, Barcelona, Spain

Monday, October 24th 2016

18:00-19:00    Arrival & Reception, IESE Business School

19:00-20:00    Coctel de Bienvenida, IESE Business School

Tuesday, October 25th 2016

8:00-9:00        Reception & Breakfast

9:00-9:45        Welcome & Opening

Chair / Hosts

●     Sylvie Bove, CEO, EIT Health

●     Regina Herzlinger, Prof. Harvard Business School; Chair, GENiE

●     Jaume Ribera, Prof. IESE Business School

●     Magda Rosenmöller, Prof. IESE Business School

9:45–11:00      GENiE EIT Health: Aligning Forces & Objectives


●     Jaume Ribera, Prof. IESE Business School


●     Regina Herzlinger, Prof. Harvard Business School; Chair, GENiE

●     Ursula Mühle, Director of Education, EIT Health

●     Rubin Pillay, Prof. University of Alabama Birmingham

●     Magda Rosenmöller, Prof. IESE Business School

11:00-11:30    Coffee Break

11:30- 12:45     Innovation Management Education for Care Providers: Executives and Professionals[1]


●     Luis Pareras, Director, Health Equity Fund, Medical Chamber, Barcelona


●     Steve Bonner, Entrepreneur in Residence, HBS, former CEO of CTCA

●     James Barlow, Prof. Imperial College

●     Josep Maria Pique, former CEO, Hospital Clínic Barcelona

●     Joseph Restuccia, Prof., Questrom School of Business, Boston University

12:45-14:00    Lunch: Call for Health Innovation Capacities: The View from the Entrepreneur[2]

            Chair     Regina Herzlinger, Prof. Harvard Business School; Chair, GENiE

Speaker Stefan Vilsmeier, CEO, Brainlab

14:00-15:30    Health Innovation & Intrapreneurship: Education for Executives / Industry


●     Pedro Nueno, Prof. IESE Business School


●     Wolfgang Petrich, Prof. Head of Engineering at Research & Technology Innovation, Roche

●     Judy Bentkover, Prof, School of Public Health, Brown University

●     Andrew Ivanov, Prof. Graduate School of Management ,St Petersburg, Russia

●     Julia Prats, Prof. IESE Business School

15:30-16:00    Coffee Break

16:00-17:30    Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship in Life Science Degree Programs[3]


●     Veronique Perdereau, Prof. University Pierre Marie Curie, Paris, France

●     Kevin Schulman, Prof, Duke University Health System


●     Per Matsson, Chief Technology Officer, Thermo Fisher Scientific

●     Regina Herzlinger, Prof. Harvard Business School; Chair, GENiE

●     Richard Reilly, Prof, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

●     Finn Valentin, Prof, Copenhagen Business School

17:30-17:45    Break

17:45-19:00    Health Innovation Management Education: Global Health[4]


●     Maureen Lewis, CEO, Aceso Global


●     Mark Allan, Director of Health Systems Development, Boston University

●     Quique Bassat, Prof. ISGlobal, Barcelona Institute for Global Health

●     Michael Bzdak, Director, Corporate Contributions, Johnson & Johnson

●     Laura Magana, Associate Dean, INSP Cuernavaca, Mexico

●     Edward Mungai, Prof, Strathmore Business School, Nairobi, Kenya

20:00-22:00    Dinner: How to Innovate In-House: Health Innovation in the Industry[5]

Chair:           Regina Herzlinger, Prof, Harvard Business School

Speaker:     Mehmet S. Binnet, MD/MBA, Professor of Orthoepaedic Surgery, Ankara University

                   & Acibadem Healthcare Group

Wednesday, October 26th 2016

8:00-9:00        Breakfast: Listening to the Alumni


●     Magda Rosenmoller, Prof. IESE Business School


●     Miguel Amador, Vice-President EIT Health Alumni, Start-Up Braga Portugal

●     Carlos Nueno, IESE MBA Advance Medical, Barcelona, Spain

●     Frank Sutter, Assistant Director, Health Care Initiative, Harvard Business School

9:00-10:15      Health Innovation Management Education for Policymakers Investors and Payers


●     Rifat Atun, Prof, Harvard School of Public Health


●     Brooke Hollis, Prof. Sloan Program & Institute for Healthy Futures, Cornell University

●     Michael Macdonnell, Director, Strategy Group, NHS England

●     Manel Peiro, Prof, ESADE Business School

●     Thomas Zeltner, Prof., University of Bern, Switzerland

10:15-10:45    Coffee Break

10:45-12:00    Driving Health Innovation: Capacity Needs for the Future (pitches)


●     Montse Vendrell, CEO, Barcelona Institute of Science & Technology


●     Steve Bonner, Entrepreneur in Residence, Harvard Business School; former CEO, CTCA

●     Kurt Hoeller, Director EIT Health Accelerator

●     Jan Olov Höög, Prof. Karolinska, Stockholm

●     Dhan Shapurji, Partner, US Healthcare and Life Sciences Strategy Group, KPMG

12:00-12:15    Small Break

12:15-13:30    Innovating the Delivery of Health Education: Field Studies, Blended, MOOCs, etc. (pitches)


●     Nuria Mas, Prof. IESE Business School


●     Pierre Gillois, Prof, Université des Alpes, Grenoble, France

●     Jorge Juan Fernandez, Head of Academics, Moebio, BioCat

●     Regina Herzlinger, Prof, HBS (Harvard EdX MOOC on Innovating in Health Care)

●     Pierre Antoine Ullmo, CEO, PAU Education

13:30-14:00    Next Steps: EU & US Global Collaboration

●       Regina Herzlinger, Prof, Harvard Business School; Chair, GENiE

●       Jaume Ribera, Prof. IESE Business School

●       Magda Rosenmöller, Prof. IESE Business School

14:00-15:00    Tapas Lunch and Disburse

Wednesday, October 26th 2016

14:30–18:00   Post Conference Workshop: Design Thinking the Future of GENiE

Regina Herzlinger (HBS) created the GENiE Group ( with the aim to make innovation a central part of the education of future leaders in health care. After major conferences of stakeholders at Harvard Business School (2012), Duke University (2013), UAB Birmingham, Alabama (2014), and the October 2016 first European edition at IESE Business School in Barcelona, this workshop provides a platform of reflection on how GENiE can continue to realize this aim, review the wide array of stakeholders, their expectations and potential contributions.

Facilitated by Steve Bonner (HBS) and Pierre Antoine Ullmo. (PAU Education)

ALL interested in reflecting on the future of the GENiE Network are VERY WELCOME!